Funding Principles
Ideas and proposals for projects always originate in the countries in which we work. The Schmitz Foundations particularly support small-scale projects, which are planned and developed locally and bring direct benefits to the local population. We treat our partners and target groups as equals and maintain an honest and open dialogue with them. Our work is founded on mutual trust and the maximum possible degree of openness.
When assessing project proposals and whether the Schmitz Foundations should offer support, we use the following guidelines:
The proposed project should involve the local population in its planning and implementation and have a clearly defined goal which reflects the true needs of those it is to help.
The proposed project should consist of clearly defined and scheduled goals (up to a maximum period of 4 years). At all costs,the project must not create additional burdens or lasting dependence for the local population.
The local population is expected to become involved, to make its own contribution to the realisation of the project. In longer-term projects we prefer to see the project partner and target group making a steadily increasing contribution and taking on ever-greater responsibility as the project progresses.
The projects should be structured on the basis of “help for self-help.” The funding requested should be regarded as start-up capital to get the project up and running, and to reinforce and support the efforts of the target group.
The results of the project should have a lasting and sustainable effect and be so planned that, after the project itself is at an end, it can be continued by the local population without outside support.