Rolf-Seiwert Foundation

In December 2000 the two sisters Dr Elvira Seiwert and Christa Seiwert set up the Rolf Seiwert Foundation in commemoration of their late brother Rolf Seiwert.

The Foundation was established as a Foundation Trust under the auspices of the non-profit W. P. Schmitz Foundation. It was registered as a non-independent foundation with the State government in Düsseldorf, Germany and is run in trust and administered by the W. P. Schmitz Foundation.

The Rolf Seiwert Foundation, as specified in its Articles of Incorporation, supports education and training projects to alleviate hardship among children and young people in third-world countries. Hitherto it has supported projects in Latin America and Eastern Europe.

For example, thanks to the support of the Rolf Seiwert Foundation, as a result of a thorough renewal program, the formerly catastrophic hygienic conditions in the orphanages in Pskov have been lastingly improved.

Donations Account:

Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Konto 1005 530 595
BLZ 300 501 10
IBAN: DE13 3005 0110 1005 5305 95

Credit Suisse, Bern
Kto.-Nr.: 0094-840229-51
IBAN: CH47 0483 5084 0229 5100 0